Praying Mantis Lamp by Rispal

Designed 1950
In production through Rispal

Rispal is a French lighting studio, the first incarnation of which operated in Paris from 1924 until 1982. The company produced a diverse range of lighting styles, but is best known for their modernist Formes Nouvelle collection, of which the #14.950 (later dubbed the Praying Mantis lamp) was a part. In 2018, the Rispal brand was revived by collector and designer, Douglas Mont, who put the Formes Nouvelle collection back into production. It was used in the Strange New Worlds episode, “Strange New Worlds,” in Spock and T’Pring’s apartment on Vulcan.

Used in:
Strange New Worlds


Torchiere by Ron Rezek


Mushroom Tube Lamp by Rougier